We are remembering, honoring and paying attention. Jearlyn Steele, shares family joys and tragedies and ultimately decides to keep on singing. Candace Barrett Birk remembers the father she never knew. And Sue wonders about the racial history we didn’t learn in the 5th grade. Plus, a shout out to our newest graduate, Dae Yang!
- Island of Discarded Women Episode #18 was directed and produced by Sue Scott
- Special Guest is Jearlyn Steele
- Storytelling guest is Candace Barrett Birk
- “Blessed Assurance” Performed by Jearlyn Steele. Arranged and accompanied by Billy Steele.
- “This Little Light of Mine” excerpt performed by Jearlyn Steele
- “American Anthem” (underscoring Candace’s story,) written and composed by Gene Scheer. Performed by Brian Pekol
- “Natural Woman” by Carole King. Excerpt performed live by Carole King and Jearlyn Steele on A Prairie Home Companion, October 13, 2007 in Baltimore, MD
- Music transitions and underscoring arranged and performed by Brian Pekol
- Episode edited, mixed and sound designed by Sue Scott. Mastered by Tony Axtell
- Assistance by Hannah McDonald and Ashton Schneider