Special guest, writer Marcie Rendon, highlights the brilliance and resiliency of native people through her mystery novels and a searing new play, “Say Their Names,” with excerpts read by Oogie_Push. Musical guest Jaspar Lepak sings and shares personally about living the choices she can make. Cathy Gasiorowicz tells a story about the dementia that broke her mom’s brain and created a love fest in its wake. Silvia Pontaza takes an oath that gives her a voice. And Oogie & Sue Scott work the phones and doors to make a difference.
Episode Details
- Island of Discarded Women Episode #29 was directed and produced by Sue Scott
- Cast: Oogie_Push, Cathy Gasiorowicz, Silvia Pontaza & Sue Scott
- Written by Oogie, Cathy, Silvia & Sue
- Special Guest is Marcie Rendon
- Excerpts from the play, “Say Their Names” written by Marcie Rendon and read by Oogie_Push
- Musical Guest is Jaspar Lepak.
- Original songs “I Know a Woman,” & “I am Human” music & lyrics by Jaspar Lepak
- Original song, “My Right to Choose” music and lyrics by Tom Prasada-Rao and Cary Cooper
- Guest Contributor is Cathy Gasiorowicz
- Live Audio Engineering by John Robinson and Dylan Payne
- Mixed and Edited by Sue Scott
- Mastered by Tony Axtell
- Lighting by Lexi Carlson
- Photos by Bonni Allen