LIVE! The puppets crash the climate party. Nancy dreams of a Dr. Kildare shirt. Dae notes that strings are attached. Sue gets wrapped up in parody. Simone sings of diamonds and souls. And special guest Kim Insley talks sleeping in and moving on.
- Island of Discarded Women Episode #8 was directed and produced by Sue Scott
- Cast: Nancy Bagshaw Reasoner, Dae Yang, Michelle Myers Berg, Sue Scott and guest singer/songwriter, Simone Perrin
- Written by Nancy, Dae, Sue and Simone
- Special Guest is Kim Insley
- “Diamonds of Heaven” and “Hang My Soul” written and performed by Simone Perrin
- Live Audio Engineering by Barry Madore and Tony Axtell
- Edited and mixed by Sue Scott. Mastered by Tony Axtell
- Photos by Sara Erdman