LIVE! Opening night in our NEW home, Crooners Supper Club! Lorna Landvik joins the Islanders and finds out that confidence is a muscle that needs flexing. Sue honors Mary Engelbreit’s courage. Zippy learns to say NO in “Straight from the Heart.” And special guest, Nekima Levy Armstrong shares her journey from South-Central LA, to Law Professor, to Civil Rights Activist.
- Island of Discarded Women Episode #10 was directed and produced by Sue Scott
- Cast: Dae Yang, Nancy Bagshaw Reasoner, Silvia Pontaza and Sue Scott. With guest: Lorna Landvik.
- Written by Nancy, Dae, Lorna and Sue
- Special Guest is Nekima Levy Armstrong
- Original song “Straight from the Heart” written and performed by Zippy Laske
- Live Audio Engineering by Zachary Thayer and Tony Axtell
- Edited and mixed by Sue Scott. Mastered by Tony Axtell
- Photos by Rick Spaulding