Three conversations with three strong Black women. All in the arts. All with insightful personal stories to share. Plus, Sue and Zippy deliver an ode to a woman we all know and maybe wish we didn’t.
- Island of Discarded Women Episode #14 was directed and produced by Sue Scott
- Written by Sue Scott
- Special Guests are Regina Marie Williams, Isabell Monk O’Connor & Kelli Foster Warder
- Parody of “You Don’t Own Me” written by Sue Scott. Performed by Zippy Laske and Kyle Kimbllin
- Episode edited and mixed by Sue Scott. Mastered by Tony Axtell
- Excerpt of “Mississippi Goddam” by Nina Simone, performed by Regina Marie Williams in the play, NINA SIMONE: FOUR WOMEN by Christina Ham
- Excerpt from Theatre Latte Da’s production of FIVE POINTS, by Harrison David Rivers, Ethan D. Pakchar & Douglas Lyons. Choreographed by Kelli Lin Foster Warder
- “She Won’t Go Steady” by Kelly, Cathie & Ardire, performed by Ronnie Booker and the Boardwalkers
- Assistance by Hannah McDonald