Our special guest, Mikki Morrissette publisher of Minnesota Women’s Press, shares her journey from choosing single motherhood to owning a magazine. Musical guest Courtney Yasmineh, is still making it big one song at a time. Dae is newly engaged and decides that she is enough. Zippy strives for less noise and more truth. And Sue praises the 19 yr. old who is standing up!
Episode Details
- Island of Discarded Women Episode #27 was directed and produced by Sue Scott
- Cast: Dae Yang, Zippy Laske, Sue Scott
- Written by Dae, Zippy, and Sue
- Special Guest is Mikki Morrissette
- Musical Guest is Courtney Yasmineh
- Original songs “Gone Away (Married to Bob Dylan)” and “The Creek” music and lyrics by Courtney Yasmineh. Zippy Laske singing back up on “Gone Away”
- Original song, “From Now On” music and lyrics by Zippy Laske with Kyle Kimbllin on guitar
- Live Audio Engineering by Katharine Horowitz and Dylan Payne
- Mixed and Edited by Sue Scott
- Mastered by Tony Axtell
- Lighting by Lexi Carlson
- Photos by Amanda Skeivik